Pilot Club of Chattanooga

Chartered September 1938

Monthly Meetings

4th Tuesday of the Month
6 PM (EST)

The Walden Club

633 Chestnut St. #2100
Chattanooga, TN

(Currently Meeting via Zoom)

We'd love to have you join us at one of our meetings!


Pick Me Ups

Executive Board

President.............................................Charlynne Parson
President-Elect.....................................Kuntima Nemafuta
Secretary...................................................Patti Alverson
Treasurer...................................................Joyce Holland
Directors....................Luz Darr, Bertie Lou McMurtrie & Judy Nance

Other Club Activities

Club members assemble tray favors for Meals on Wheels clients (150) for 5 holidays each year.
Club members provide bicycle helmets to the White Oak Bicycle Co-Op for presentation to recipients of used bicycles that they've refurbished.
person holding Hello! sticker
person holding Hello! sticker
Interested in knowing more? Fill out the form below and one of our club members will reach out to you.